mercoledì, settembre 21, 2011

Dreamweaver CS5.5: Android SDK failed to install

Error "Android SDK failed to install" with Easy Install | Dreamweaver CS5.5

When you click Easy Install for the Android SDK in the Configuration Application Framework dialog box in Dreamweaver CS5.5, you receive the following error:
"The Android SDK failed to install. Please select another folder and try again."

Install the 11.5.1 update for Dreamweaver CS5.5
Important: After installing this update, restart your computer.

To install the update automatically:
1.Open Dreamweaver CS5.5.
2.Choose Help > Updates.
3.Follow the on-screen instructions to check for, download, and install the 11.5.1 update.
4.After the update is installed, restart your computer.

venerdì, settembre 09, 2011

Emulatore iPhone e iPad

Cross Platform iPhone and iPad Web Browser Simulator

CTRL + 1 passa a iPad
CTRL + 2 passa a iPhone

CTRL + freccia sinistra (oppure freccia destra) per ruotare

Google Android Emulator

Emulatore di smartphone Android per Windows
(non richiede installazione)

Per avviare: doppio clic su Run_Emulator(with Boot Animation).exe e poi doppio clic su

Per poter usare la connessione Internet, occorre disabilitare Airplane mode:
in Menu, Settings, Wireless control, deselezionare il segno di spunta da Airplane mode.

Per ruotare lo smartphone: CTRL + F11